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Automatically tracks issues, pull requests and repositories.

About the GitHub Q Applet

The GitHub Q Applet gives programmers and team members a seamless and easy way to track GitHub notifications directly on their Q keyboard. It allows for more time coding and deploying, and less time checking in on notifications. 

About GitHub

GitHub is a cloud-based, version control system that provides developers and team members the ability to create issues, deploy code, store multiple revisions, and track changes in code. Tracks issues, pulls requests, in various repositories. GitHub users can manage all types of files, collaborate with team members and work together on projects by creating a branch accessible to everyone.

GitHub Features

As the most prominent open-source repository, GitHub makes it easy for teams to work seamlessly and collaborate on different projects without compromising the quality. Here are some of the more popular features.

  • Codespaces: Lets users build, debug, and deploy code instantly with a cloud-based environment to access it from any device at any time.
  • Pull requests: Submit, track and manage changes with other team members or contributors in a seamless environment.
  • Public repositories: Lets users work with any GitHub member and allow them to make any changes, pull requests, create an issue, and more.
  • Team discussions: Users or team members can post or discuss updates with the entire GitHub organization or just a few selected participants. 

GitHub Takeaway

GitHub is beneficial for large or small teams of developers and programmers working on the same project to collaborate and update codes simultaneously easily. GitHub is highly scalable, and it’s the best choice for those looking to share code and backup every possible draft of the project. The GitHub Q Applet takes all the coming-and-goings on the GitHub platform, and packages them into a simple notification so that programmers can focus on their code, and then quickly look down at their keyboard to see if there is anything that needs to be addressed before their next task, making the keyboard the control panel for project execution.

GitHub Illustration
What is the Q software?

It makes your keyboard smart by changing the key colors based on information from the internet.

More about Q